Working Papers & Work in Progress
Predictable End-of-Month Treasury Returns (2019)
Jonathan Hartley and Krista Schwarz

Money Market Reform in the U.S. and U.K.: Evidence from a Natural Experiment (2019)
Jonathan Hartley and Krista Schwarz

The Mechanism of Quantitative Easing (2018)
Greg Nini and Krista Schwarz

Using Stocks or Portfolios in Tests of Factor Models (2020)
Andrew Ang, Jun Liu, and Krista Schwarz
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, forthcoming.
* Outstanding Paper Research Prize, Jacobs Levy Center, 2017.

Mind the Gap: Disentangling Credit and Liquidity in Risk Spreads (2019)
Krista Schwarz
Review of Finance, 23(3): 557-597.
* Nasdaq OMX Research Foundation Fellow
Web Appendix

Notes on Bonds: Illiquidity Feedback During the Financial Crisis (2018)
David Musto, Greg Nini, and Krista Schwarz
Review of Financial Studies, 31(8): 2983-3018.
Web Appendix

Are Speculators Informed? (2012)
Krista Schwarz
Journal of Futures Markets, 32(1): 1-23.
*Lead Journal Article
Web Appendix

Intra-day Trading in the Overnight Federal Funds Market (2005)
Leonardo Bartolini, Svenja Gudell, Spence Hilton, and Krista Schwarz
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 11(11): 1-7.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

The Information Content of Forward and Futures Prices: Market Expectations and the Price of Risk (2004)
Sergey Chernenko, Krista Schwarz, and Jonathan Wright
International Finance Discussion Papers, 808: 1-23.
Federal Reserve Board

Cool Brittania: Monetary Policy Lessons from the Bank of England, (Feburary 2001)
James Harrigan and Krista Schwarz
International Perspectives 15.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Treasury and Federal Reserve Foreign Exchange Operations (2001)
Krista Schwarz
Federal Reserve Bulletin, 6: 394-399 and 9: 576-581
Federal Reserve Board